May 30, 2019

Is Microblading A Safe Choice For Your Eyebrows?

Is Microblading A Safe Choice For Your Eyebrows?

A woman craves for the best look to feel perfect within. And perfection comes with feeling confident inside and out. Women feel the best when they look the best. And it’s important for a woman to get the best result possible if she spends her time on something she’s been longing for. And when it comes to beauty, this particular necessity becomes stronger.

There are plenty of failures in beauty treatment which has shaken up the minds of women. This mainly happens because of the lack of overall knowledge of what you’re proceeding with. It is very important to do research before going ahead with something that involves your facial features which is the most important part of a face. And when something goes wrong there, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Why not be well prepared with all these beauty treatments before actually proceeding with it?

The one beauty treatment which won’t come close to failing you is mircroblading. It has proven to give you the best results for your eyebrows which will make you fall in love and be able to flaunt it. But at the same time, there have also been horrifying stories where the disaster has struck badly. So just news will frighten the woman and hence think twice before proceeding. But honestly speaking, microblading is a safe technique if you opt for a licensed professional.

These are some of the questions which often pry up in the minds of women having seconds thoughts about microblading:

What is Microblading?

  • For starters, microblading is a new beauty concept that is causing a hype among woman. It is a type of semi-permanent makeup secret that is done to fake fuller eyebrows that look totally natural.
  • Microblading can just be the hassle-free solution for all the woman out there who end up spending hours pencilling in your eyebrows only to get the shape drawn wrong.
  • It is also called as a tattooing technique, which is basically inking into your eyebrows to make it look darker and more natural.


How does microblading technique work?

  • The entire procedure is pretty simple.
  • Before starting the entire procedure, the brow specialist will use the face mapping technique where they see if you’re a perfect candidate for this treatment
  • They will study the shape of your brows, and decide the design which will compliment your facial features
  • The technician uses small blades to make tiny hairlike incisions right above the dermis layer of your skin.
  • As this happens, it slowly deposits pigments directly into these incisions.
  • Because of this pigmentation presence, your brows will fade naturally over time and require touch-ups in the future.


The After-effects Of Microblading:

  • Though microblading can be a painless and quick treatment, you need to follow up the post-treatment procedure
  • The aftercare procedure will be explained to you and once you follow it for a while, your new set of eyebrows will be back on track
  • There will be no swelling or any other side effects which will be caused by mircroblading.
  • You can be worry-free because unlike tattooing, microblading isn’t permanent on your eyebrows
  • If your microblading procedure is done by a licensed technician, then you have absolutely nothing to fear about.

Are you tempted to define your eyebrows in a better way with the help of microblading? Then, give us a call to book your appointment now!

Updated: February 04, 2025