February 12, 2019

Easy Tips For Beautiful Brows You Can Do At Home

Easy Tips For Beautiful Brows You Can Do At Home

Who doesn’t like naturally thick and shapely eyebrows? Even if your brows look sparse or overgrown, taking a little effort can go a long way in keeping them looking their best. Whether you are going for an eyebrow treatment or just want to grow them back, here are some tips from experts in our eyebrow clinic in Dubai to help you maintain your eyebrows better -

Applying Moisturizer

Just like your skin, your eyebrows also need moisturizing. This includes the brows themselves as well as the skin beneath them. Moisturizing can help strengthen the skin and keep it hydrated, which in turn promotes the healthy growth of your brows. For moisturizing your eyebrows, apply natural oils to them by putting a little bit of oil on your fingers and massaging them.

There are many natural oils that promote hair growth and nourishes it at the same time. However, castor oil is the most effective oil that promotes hair growth. Coconut oil, almond oil and olive oil are also effective and easily absorbed by both hair and skin.

Castor oil has anti-bacterial/fungal properties, which prevent fungal or bacterial growth that prevents your hair from growing. They also prevent hair loss and strengthen your hair by providing good nourishment to both the hair and hair follicles.

Coconut oil, on the other hand, reduces protein loss from hair follicles and strands. Vitamins rich almond oil can nourish and soften the hair, stimulating hair growth. Olive oil can both strengthen and promote hair growth.

Eyebrow Grooming

Eyebrow grooming is best done by professionals. At our eyebrow clinic in Dubai, we find the perfect eyebrow shape for your face and help you get it. Once you have the perfect looking eyebrows, it is up to you to maintain them yourself for a couple of days or weeks till your next grooming session appointment.

When maintaining your eyebrows yourself, make sure not to overdo it. When you start noticing stray hairs, use a pair of tweezers to pluck out the extras. Always do this in natural light as it helps to spot the strays better than your artificial light source. Follow your professionally shaped arch for better results. And when in doubt, leave it be.

Eyebrow make up

Although perfectly shaped eyebrows are beautiful as themselves, using powder eyebrow products will help to add some natural fullness to your eyebrows. They create natural-looking finish without stunting hair growth, with a less harsh appearance than pencil strokes.

For maintaining the most natural looking brows, pick a product that is a shade lighter than your natural hair colour. Overplaying eyebrow makeup can create an unnatural look, which can overpower your entire face.

Give your eyebrows a little care and they can stay healthy and beautiful for long. For all your eyebrow grooming needs, contact our eyebrow clinic in Dubai today.

Updated: February 04, 2025